Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Skrg ni masa break antara lab ngan kelas thermo aku kul 2 nanti. Td en fawzi, penasihat kelab aku boleh call time tengah mkn ajak tgk tapak. Aku dh la rasa bengang je harini. Rasanya aku punya rasa x sedap tu ada lagi harini. Damn betol. Rasa pathetic gila. Loser do aku! Anyway, dia ckp kat aku nk tgk tapak so dengan berat hatinya gua follow je walaupn gua kene balik jap nk amik buku thermo. Gi kelas thermo x bwk table yg dia bagi mmg kene bahan ar. Gua makin stress la skrg ni smpi member sendiri pn gua rasa nk sepak je. Nasib baik wan bagi gua pinjam buku Lelaki Eksistensial td, happy sket la. Haha. Skrg ni diorg tgh tgk tapak lagi and gua mintak diri dulu nk balik kejap. Pandai2 la budak2 ni settle. Xkn semua bende nk harapkan aku. Faker ar kalau sebegitu. 15 min lagi nk kul 2 so gua rasa gua sign off utk tengahari ni kat sini je lah ye.

Ku Rasakan

Dah dekat 2 years aku x bukak blog ni and after few thought came into mind aku rasa cm ok jugak kalau start ber blogging balik. I mean, it is sort of a way to actually let your thought out and a place for you to release what you feel inside.

Yestrday, i read a book with the title Awek Chuck Taylor written by Nami Cob Cobler if i'm not mistaken and before CNY, i had no idea that the book is based on a real story but after a friend of mine told me that it was actually nami's love story then i was all pumped up to read the book. After i've done reading the book, i have to say it does not dissapoint.

The story of his life is rather dramatic i could only imagine f having such life. Well, i am a very uptight person, have no close friends the art world and what not. The story revolves around hafiz as the main character whom have problems with his love life. He is lucky but you can say he is to lucky to able to tackle both the girls whom are siblings in the story. Well, sometimes life is complicated and so is love and the way i see it, it was his destiny all along to end jp with the younger sister but towards the end of the story, his lover died from allergy.If i were to have a girlfriend and she died, i think it might be very frustrating.

I have to point out the character "mira" in the book is sooo cool. It is to the extend that I think i've fallen in love with the character. I guess,strong and tough personality is my type and she is not a typical malay. She is honest and ready to fight for her believes. Unfortunately my friend told me this morning that she has died of cancer about a year ago which is rather sad. Now the family is left with the father and the eldest son in the family. Just the two of them, the rest of the family are deceased.

Since yesterday, i've been feeling very anxious and un easy and empty as well, i have no idea why.. I hope this feeling will go away tomorrow. It is 1 o'clock in the morning and i have a lab report to submit tomorrow so i better get to it. Pheww, it is a relief to be able to say what i feel inside. I should do this more often.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Pada sebuah pertemuan antara Menteri Teknologi Sedunia di Langkawi. Menteri Jepun, Amerika Syarikat (AS) dan Malaysia sedang ‘mengeteh’.

Menteri Jepun : Kalau anda ke Jepun, anda gali tanah kami, baru saja sampai 7 meter, anda akan temukan banyak chip, rangka-rangka besi, papan sirkit elektronik dan lain-lain. Ini menunjukkan bahawa sejak zaman nenek moyang, kami bangsa Jepun sudah mengenal teknologi robot.

Menteri AS : Kalau anda ke Amerika, anda gali tanah kami, baru saja sampai 3 meter, anda akan temukan jejak-jejak radioaktif. Ini adalah petanda bahawa sejak zaman dahulu kala, kami bangsa Amerika sudah mengenal teknologi nuklear.

Menteri Malaysia : Oleh kerana tuan-tuan sedang di Malaysia, saya persilakan tuan-tuan untuk menggali di sini biar tahu ada apa di bawah tanah kami.

(Dipanggillah 2 orang tukang untuk segera menggali tanah. Setelah kedalaman 70 meter, ke-2 tukang naik ke atas lagi)

Menteri Malaysia : Apa korang jumpa ?
Tukang gali : Tidak ada apa-apa
Menteri Malaysia : Ada KABEL TELEFON tak di bawah sana ?
Tukang gali : Takde Dato’..

Menteri Malaysia : (sambil ‘menjeling kerek’ ke menteri Jepun dan Amerika) Itulah petanda bahawa kami bangsa Malaysia, sejak zaman purbakala, sudah mengenal teknologi WIRELESS!

P/S: Ni copy paste ye.

What is on your mind?

HOLA! it have been a quite long time since I posted my last entry. It is basically caused by lack of ideas on what to write on and lately I've been busy with university and all.And besides,I'm still working on my blog layout.. Still trying to get the grasp on the lay out coding.. That shit is kind of hard.. hahaha.

now that lay out is pretty much done,I have to open photoshop and start working on the header..
Aliya Huzaidy asked me why I haven't update my blog or memblogging as she said it. Well, it is because like I said above,I am dry on ideas.I have no idea on what to write or even what sort of pics or vids shall I put as an entry. Laziness is just another excuse.

Monday, January 31, 2011

What a week

last week I worked just for 3 days.... which is normal.. but this week,I'm not going to work.. AT ALL... WTF!!
it started off with a rejection and then the no work for a week... seriously man... things still could get worse from here because now I'm feeling a little sick... DAMN!
Been raining for 3 days now.. non stop...
and currently my sister in Egypt is facing with danger as they have a friggin protest there..
Last week I thought my friends had problems.. now I'm also having problem..
Is it like the month of Problem now...
feel like punching a hole through the wall.... and screaming my lungs out but then... what difference does it make..

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bru aku try..

Slame ni... aku asyik pkai upload mentah2 je sume gamba yg aku amik..
smlm mse tengah x tau nk wat pe..
aku teringat pasal satu software yg member aku mention..
Adobe Lightroom..
Da lame gle kot die bg tau tapi aku bru terdetik nk download..
lps download software tu..
aku bru tau cm ne org lain bwat gamba dorg nmpk stand out...
slow gak ar aku ni.. tp at least skrg aku da tau kn..?
ni example interface software tuh..

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dah Lame..

Serious dah lme gle x bkak blog ni..
setahun lebih gak ar aku x post ape2...
last post pn december 2009..

so aku x de mood nk cite panjang2 sbb blackout tadi.. so mood hilang...
anyway,skarang dah keje kt petrosains...

bru sbulan kot...
overall best gle..
btw.. esok maybe the first day aku ade free time tuk start test film slr aku...
hmmm.. klau ade pape lg nanti ar aku post..

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