Monday, December 28, 2009

Compaq Presario V3000

Yesterday I did something I have always wanted to do.That is,destroy a Notebook.

no,not this notebook,


This notebook.


That is the picture of the notebook from internet(forgot to take a picture before dis-assembling it.Was too exited)

I have always wanted to rip a notebook part by part.I just want to see what is inside the notebook.Never had a chance until my sister’s notebook(V3000) was broken.Went to repair the com several times but no luck.So,I asked my dad can I  rip it apart.

He gave the green light and off we go.



The shop we went for the repair said it was caused by AMD processor being too hot.It was a good notebook,bought it in 05’ ,so it is not that old nor new.



It is amazing though,something this size is the brain for a computer.


After taking all parts out,I’ve decided to assemble it again.


Look closer at the picture,I didn’t notice it at first but,


There is a friggin wire sticking out from the keyboard.I think it is the wire connected to the monitor before I cut it.

At first I don’t want to put the monitor back onand leave it like this.


,but then,I changed my mind.Had to open back the cover and put the monitor on.


And this is the computer re-assembled.


Well not completely since I did not use these screws.And also,Had few parts as spare parts

DVD Player,SATA HD,some part and I have no idea what it is for,and 2 DDR2 RAM.

The computer will never work again… ever…..


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